(214 words) “I have ... I have other words, but I won’t express them,” says the main character of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” and this expression accurately characterizes him. He hides not only his thoughts, but also the feelings that glow in the depths of his “rebellious” heart. At first glance, the indifferent, self-confident, somewhat cynical Bazarov is actually quite vulnerable and vulnerable. His true internal state does not correspond to what he claims, we observe a struggle of emotions and principles.
The emotional feelings of the protagonist are not able to understand even the most loving people, hence the deep loneliness of Bazarov. Protesting, rebelling, denying everything in his path, he wants to destroy the old order only in order to "clear" the world around him for a better future for his country. “Russia needs me? .. No, apparently, not needed. And who is needed? ”, - these are the questions that torment the full of ambitions, but so early of a dying young man.
Bazarov is able to feel and understand much more than the aristocratic and romantic natures that surround him. Behind the mask of indifference and indifference, a restless, insane heart beats, which experiences very strong feelings. “He was choking; his whole body apparently trembled. Passion fought in him, strong and heavy - passion, ”- this is what happens to Yevgeny Bazarov when he encounters what he denies - love. The main character becomes a hostage of his own theory. “Yes, go try to deny death,” he says, dying to himself.